Fidele El Achkar.
The CLEAN GREEN EATING Network is an innovative solution that tackles Food Safety in Lebanon through the power of ICT networks.

Food safety is a national paradox from which it has a major impact on the health of the population and the economy of the country. Despite the presence of nine local food related agencies, they have overlapping functions and poor coordination. These practices don’t conform to international standards as there are too many public institutions involved making their work ineffective.

Our mission is to address these challenges by offering an innovative responsible solution to improve the quality of life of the Lebanese people: Tackling the Food Safety sector in Lebanon while raising awareness on Clean and Green ways of living.

This single platform connects the dots while presenting great discussions on food safety & quality, environmental management and sustainability, laws and governance issues facing the food industry in Lebanon and the possible ways to get certified and train or be trained. This initiative aims towards national integrated food safety programs where you can find communication, collaboration, central database, outbreak detection, analysis and evaluation, actions and engagement…

At the end it is all about tapping large amounts of data more quickly, linking existing and future challenges in a meaningful way, generating ideas that connect digital technology with aspects of sustainability research and societal change.

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