Project would implement small libraries (or book drop points) close to the beaches. Mediterranean is well known for it’s beautiful nature and rich cultural heritage. Spending time in the beach is also part of Mediterranean culture. It would be great to have a library/book point where people could borrow (or live books) and games (cards, board games etc.). “SeaStars” points would be close to the beach and would consist of books and games typical for Mediterranean (Books and games from Mediterranean area).
Also, second part of the project are the eco ashtrays that would be installed close to the beaches. They would consist of two parts. One parts are the mobile ashtrays which you take with you when coming to the beach. Other part is the depository where you empty the trash and after that leave the ashtray for other people. This eco ashtrays would be design by artist and environmentalist form Mediterranean countries (they would meet and make the idea together, in a two week residence).
[Total: 61 Average: 1.5]