L’intelligence artificielle pour la prédiction d’Alzheimer

Ayari Taha Yassine.
Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable neurodegenerative disease (progressive loss of neurons) of brain tissue that causes the progressive and irreversible loss of mental functions, including memory. There is also a change in the behaviour of the person with Alzheimer’s disease, which requires special attention from the family.

In Tunisia, there were 60,000 cases of Alzheimer’s disease in 2018. This number could reach 250,000 cases by 2050 according to the tunisian alzheimer association.

Currently, there is no treatment that cures this disease, the existing treatments make it possible to slow down the evolution of the disease. That’s why early follow-up ensures a better quality of life for the patient and strengthens the role of help by their families.

The goal of my project is to create an application based on artificial intelligence for the prediction of alzheimer’s disease.

In fact, machine learning algorithms are able to train machines in order to make the machine able to predict whether or not a patient will develop a disease with significant accuracy. These algorithms take into consideration the candidate’s data. As a result, the doctor will be able to highlight high-risk individuals and ensure them a special follow-up.

Finally, this system will be able to help the thousands of elderly people to live a comfortable and a good life in Tunisia.

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