Infrastrutture digitali a sostegno del turismo. Un’App. per la città di Enna

Davide Spalletta.
Given the historical / archaeological stratification of the city and given the problems concerning the search for an effective, efficient but above all economic project, we can search for new forms of sustenance for the cultural heritage through a simple multimedia application that provides the tourist with clear and direct information, easy to understand that involve and educate in a simple and fun way. This is not a classic tourist application, but a real guide to the city that includes not only itineraries of different nature, but sections dedicated to the citizen, in order to promote knowledge of its heritage and enhance it to the fullest, as well as improving communication and civic living in the same city. Fundamental elements of the project will be: Storytelling, with the creation of an animated character called “Totò”; a simple interface, favored by the use of colors and images that will reduce the time of understanding of use to convert them into pure experience. The intangible and material heritage of the city will be carried out through the creation of audio-visuals that will promote knowledge by creating stories and reconstructions. This set of features will allow the user to experience the city of Enna at 360°, allowing it to move in total autonomy accompanied by a guide, who will be curious and will encourage active tourism, both foreigners and citizens themselves.

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