Feed from Food s.r.l (SB), Start up Innovativa e Spin off con il sostegno dell’Università degli Studi di Milano

Marta Castrica. (Feed from Food Srl Group).
The mission of Feed from food is to make sure that the food surplus and waste can be reintegrated into the production cycle before it becomes waste, enhancing it in the food chain of the pet food. Feed from Food represents today, thanks to the technology developed and to the produced output, a new and concrete solution able to prevent food waste in line with the Sustainable Development Goals target 12.3 on food loss and waste. Feed from Food consist of an innovative system and technology able to collect food surplus and waste generated by the food supply chain through a safe and controlled procedures. The output coming from the new technology, developed with the industrial partner Norwegian: Waister S.r.l, is transformed into a final product with high nutritional quality and in accordance with food and feed safety aspects required by the EU legal framework.

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