Defend and Respect Nature: It’s Yours!

Andrea Buscemi.
Today, the saveguard of our planet can no longer only be a subject of literary and ideological reflection but a central theme of social, cultural, economic and political actions. The policies adopted by the territorial realities which belong us (aiming at the involvement of citizens for the protection of the environment active, personal and spontaneous)and the ability to foster the development of a new culture of environmental protection, will have a key role in guiding international decisions towards convincing initiatives aimed at a prompt response to the most demanding environmental problems. Developing a renewed environmental culture is the engine of our project activity: between short lectures and participants, awareness-raising activities, workshops, guided tours, cleanup competitions and creative workshops; Partecipants will receive the appropriate tools and skills in order to respond effectively to the environmental obstacles that Mediterranean citizens will face in the coming years. The presence of pollutants is changing the ecosystem, increasing risks for the health of all species on earth. Our project want to reduce irresponsible forms of consumerism and therefore waste;

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